Since the version 4.7, we can use the Arnold aiUserData which give us the tool can randomize color attribute of a shader color input.


Please refer below link and understand what is the


Create an extra attribute to add user data to a shape node (the shape node, not the transform node :)

Select the shape node, and add an extra attribute using the naming convention "mtoa_constant_". For example, an attribute named "mtoa_constant_MyRed" would add the user data "MyRed" to the shape node.

add attribute to shape node, notice the naming convention: mtoa_constant_XXX


Add an aiUserData node to a shading network and connect it.



In the aiUserData shader attributes, set Float Attr Name to the name of the user data.

For example, if you added an attribute named "mtoa_constant_MyRed", then set Float Attr Name to "MyRed".

add attribute to aiUserData node, notice the naming convention:  mtoa_constant_XXX, only XXX, but the same as above


Miarmy Special Recipe

In Miarmy render, we can randomize these values.

The default value in the aiUserData node and the value in the shape node can be randomized in rendering!!

Set 3.0 in aiUserData Node

Set 6.25 in head shape node


The result will be a value between 3 and 6.25 randomly.