117 Compound Bones for RBD (Video Tutorials)



With new compound RBD bones Infrastructure, no matter how complex the bone tree structure of your character, we can get a good result of physical simulation.
Suppose your character contain a lot of tiny and complex parts or bones such as fingers or tentacles, we can combine some of those bones together into some big bone, and make the physical simulation faster, non-problematic and more realistic.
Also, this feature already have been expanded to collision detection, partial dynamics, cloth, detach-able dynamics, RBD emitter checking and all RBD system.


Traditional and Compound RBD Bones

Please take a look at the below 2 images.

The first image shows the traditional regular rigid dynamic bodies. When there are many tiny joints in chain and if we enable dynamics, each one of them will be enable dynamics and between each one there will be created a dynamic joint (the orange circle in between). At this time the simulation will like an string.

Whereas the second picture, after setting up the compound, each 2 joints will be treated like an RBD entity, at this time there will be only 2 dynamic joints created in whole chain. and color blue, orange and red will act like 2 compound RBD objects.



    1. The only thing we need to do is mark on "compoundRBD" attribute on the child bone (or children bones), in Original Agent.

attribute on original agent bone shape cube


mark children bone compound


Mark "compoundRBD" attribute in original agent


compound result, 3 RBD entities


Let's take a look at a spider example, we need mark some subtle joints as children compound.

Mark on "compoundRBD" on Children Bones


Left (compound on) | Right (compound off)