New Engine Added

With 3 months’ works from Miarmy 4.7 we released the Miarmy 5

The biggest differences between Miarmy 5 and all previous versions will be automation & user experiencing. We redesigned and added a new automation engine into Miarmy and simplified many previous nodes works into much less nodes and simpler languages. These upgrades and features can tremendously decrease the difficultly of crowd production and increase productivity without losing any of flexibilities of previous Miarmy. Also in upcoming 5.1(November) and 5.2 (December), there are more than 20 processes of software will be automatized and simplified, Since the Miarmy 5, say greetings to the more intelligence crowd simulation workflow.

Additionally, there is another big change in Miarmy 5 is the bone and rig standard. All of our samples, tutorials, presets and demo files have been redone for meeting the standard our next software Animcraft (beta in January of 2017)

Miarmy 5.0 Available Now


Bug Fixes