Miarmy Global

If enable, the transition map will be ignored by engine. Transition will automatically happened by themselves between any 2 actions.

If enable, the agent will not send information to Brain Viewer. It will save your time if you are already done the logic construction.

If enable, the simulation will be paused. And if you disable this at the frame you enable this, the simulation will continue.

Specify the simulation start frame.

Enable Intel TBB Paralleled Computing

By default Miarmy not recommend user save scene with duplicated mesh in scene, enable this make this file can be saved with Mesh Drive Enable
Physics Global

Specify how much time will proceed in one Maya frame

Specify how many steps will make in Each Step Time

Specify whether you need enable collision on bones of single agent

How much (in percent) speed will inherit from action when enable dynamics

Stop checking collide with same type of agent

Update shape of kinematic primitive in each frame

Gravity acceleration in X direction

Gravity acceleration in Y direction

Gravity acceleration in Z direction

When the speed of RBD exceeds this value, the force field cannot add force on to it.

Solver frequency specifies how often the simulation step is computed per second. For example, a value of 60 represents one simulation step per frame in a 60fps scene. A value of 120 will represent two simulation steps per frame, etc.

The damping coefficient is the portion of local particle velocity that is canceled in 1/10 sec.

The particles' density of cloth

Stiffness in horizontal direction, bigger value leads harder deform in horizontal space

Stiffness in vertical direction, bigger value leads harder deform in vertical space

Stiffness in diagonal direction, bigger value leads harder deform in diagonal space

Stiffness of bend down, bigger value make not easy to curly

The attribute effect on the plane terrain default created.

The friction force when object is moving on terrain

The friction force when object is before moving on terrain

The energy of bounces back from collision, increase this make object bounce greater on the default terrain

The attribute effect on the agent body default created.

The friction force when object is moving on terrain

The friction force when object is before moving on terrain

The energy of bounces back from collision, increase this make object bounce greater on the default terrain

Exclusive adjust the force effect on the rigid body of Miarmy. If the Maya field or fluid affects both Miarmy contents and Maya contents, you can adjust these values to change the result only on the Miarmy contents.

The value will be multiply the result force effect on the rigid body from Maya field

The value will be multiply the result force effect on the rigid body from Maya fluid

Render Global

First line: The result folder name of output image or rib
Second line: The result file name of output image of rib

The attributes can change the file export name, format and path

Make the user specified path totally, will not add any sub folder or camera folder

The location your image files of each pass will output

The file name of RIB file

The file name of image file

The file name extension

The format of output image

The frame the render will start

The frame the render will end

The bit of digits of file name endin

Adjust the camera attributes

Select the renderable camera here

Enable this if you want to export alpha channel

Enable this if you want to export depth channel

Enable this if you want ot apply motion blur when camera is moving

Choose width and height presets

The X resolution of output image

The Y resolution of output image

Copy the same setup from Maya Render Global node

To know more about split render, please refer the render part of this manual.

The number of parts the viewport should be split in horizontal space

The number of parts the viewport should be split in vertical space

The filter pixels which between any 2 split parts

The system will generate a .tex texture file for each of texture file and send the .tex file to the RenderMan renderer when rendering. By default, the system will check the existence of that .tex file, if there is .tex file exist, system will not generate them again. If you need convert it every time, please enable this.

The attributes exclusive belong to RenderMan and control the quality of output images
Please refer the RISpec if you want to know them in details

Minimum rate of surface shading

Sampling rate in the horizontal directions

Sampling rate in the vertical directions

Antialiasing by filtering the geometry (or supersampling) and then sampling at pixel locations

The filter in horizontal directions

The filter in vertical directions

Enable this to enable deformation motion blur, only available with agent cache

Enable this to enable motion blur

The times at which the shutter opens

The times at which the shutter closes

Increase this can get smoother result (less noise) but take more time to render

Enable procedural primitives when export RIB

Specify the run program folder

Specify which pass or passes should be rendered

Other Renders Tab is the place for setting up the other renderers output paths or names

Render Preview (i-display)
Render current frame from current active viewport and put the image to the frame buffer (or i-display). The pass to be rendered should be the first pass enabled in Render Pass Setup of Render Global.
Render Extra (sub menu)

Open Maya Render View, and render this scene from start frame to end just inside of Maya

Render this scene from start frame to end frame and output the images to the folder been specified in Render Setting

Convert the scene to the RIB files start frame to end frame and output the RIB files to the folder been specified in Render Setting

Export rib file with only agent info as archive file can be referencing back

Export the necessary assets for procedural primitive generation

Add or remove custom render man attributes:

Add 2 attributes to the selected objects, so that the objects can be recognized to the subdivision mesh by the render engine.

Remove the 2 attributes of subdivision mesh flags from selected objects

Add an attribute to the selected objects, so that the renderer will use this value when dealing with displacement shader

Remove the attribute of displacement bound from selected objects

Add an attribute to the selected objects, so that the renderer will render it totally black but alpha channel existed.

Remove the attribute of matte from selected objects
Note: if this attribute is added to the agent instead of geometry, the specific agent will matte out all the geometries it used
Agent Viewer (Auto Focusing)
The Agent Viewer will display the bone structure and some flags set in Agent memory

The name of bone in memory, it can be used in channel, like torso1:tx

This bone will join collision check if using "collide" channel

This bone can feel field and fluid when dynamics is turned on
Agent Manager

Agent manager can determine which type of agent is activated. System will create contents such as logic decision nodes or action nodes for the active agent and put the contents inside the active agent group.

Active the agent type in this line

Modify the name of agent

Delete all the contents of this agent

Select color for active agent, when the agents are placed, the color of bones will be the same color selected here

Add a new type of agent to scene
Terrain Manager

Terrain manager can mark geometry terrain. When the geometry is marked terrain, the agents can interactive with it and the rigid body can collide in it. In fact, the geometry which been marked terrain is connected by a McdTerrain node.

The McdTerrain node name which connected to terrain geometry

Actual mesh name been marked terrain

The friction force when object is moving on terrain

The friction force when object is before moving on terrain

The energy of bounces back from collision, increase this make object bounce greater on the terrain

Enable this if the terrain has animation or deformation.

Enable this if the terrain is a plane, it can speed up the physical simulation

Select the transform node of this terrain geometry.

Switch on/off the sound range

Switch on/off the sound range

As the picture above, the red circle is sound range, and the green frustum is the vision range.
Setup Rig

Miarmy provide a free setup pipeline tool, which can generate a simple rig from the template.

Import template with default pose

Import template with the preset pose

Convert the template to the rig

Import a clean and preset posed bone chain which can be used to motion capture

Above 3 pictures, from left to right:

  1. Template with default pose
  2. Template with preset pose
  3. Bone chain with preset pose

After setup, the rig has been generated.
Original Agents

Create Original Agent if there is correct rig in Setup group for the active agent type

Create Original Agent with many preset setup

Select all the joints except end ones from current active original agent

Hide all the box shape of the bone

Unhide all the box shape of the bone

Delete the current active original agent and create it again. If you delete some important part from original agent, you can use this tool

Delete the current active original agent

Create bounding box for current active agent

Clear all rotation value from original agent and put it to the origin

Copy geometries and skinning info from setup rig to Original Agent, only can work on active agent type


Create a placement node for you

Placement editor can setup the proportion for the selected placement node

Only the place-able agent type can be listed here. The agent with original agent is correct agent type. Move any of the slider, the others types will automatically update except 0 proportion type

Crank down to 0 for turning off this type of agent place

Auto averaging all the proportion of exist types

Populate agent to scene.

Delete all the agents and flush the undo queue. We not recommended delete agents by "del" key because that the agent is actually leave there in memory.

Create a brand new place node from the selected agents, and this will record follow info:

Attach place node to the selected terrain

Detach place node from terrain

Attach place node to the selected curve

Detach place node from curve

Import a clean and preset posed bone chain which can be used to motion capture


Create an action node, then playback once and store the animation data to this node, from rig (with animation) to action

The length info of current selected action

The playback speed multiplier, e.g. 2 means playback speed is 2 times than normal

Enable this means that once agent transit to this action, never transit out, e.g. dead

Control the transition between 2 actions

Enable: cycle action (e.g. walk), Disable: transition action (e.g. standToWalk)

A percent value stand for a smooth filter when the action performing self-cycle transition

The range of transition from previous action to the current one

After this percent range, this action can transit to next action, before that, it playback itself

The speed of transform node of the agent, this can create the locomotion result, please check out the detail of this in Animation and Action session

Block/Open the channel on agent transform node

Use the preset channel preset

Important: After editing the channels, user need click this rebuild button make it works

This feature can offset the result of transform speed of the root, e.g. one of the motion capture data is x-oriented, but one can use this feature to rotate it back to z-oriented action

Specify which channel and how many values need offset

Once specify the value in blank, click this for performing offset

In different phase, action can transit to different next actions. We can specify the exit choices here

The list of actions which the current action will transit to

Between start and end frame, the current action will transit to this exit action if there is a transition signal

Preview in which phase we can transit to which exit action

Create an action proxy node for current active agent type

Action proxy can check the transition between any actions and see is them transit smooth or correct
For more details of action proxy, please check out the Transition session of this manual.

Activate/deactivate element of agent name

The names of actions in list

From right to left set

Choose which action to be set
Transition Map

(Note: need switch to the transition map viewport)

Click and drag to move the states and action shells in transition map viewport

Create a new state node for current active agent type

Create a new action shell node for current active agent type

Add an action group flag to the selected action

Remove the action group flag from the selected action
Knowledge Perception

Please check out the channel spec for the detailed information

Create a solver space node

Create a road object from your selected curve, the agent can feel it

Attach the road to terrain

Switch road between flow and road modes

Create bound box/sphere so that the agent can feel it

Create a spot node and set the Feel Mode to "both"

Create a spot node and set the Feel Mode to "Only Spot"

Create a spot node and set the Feel Mode to "Only Field"

Create a wind node so that the agent can feel it

Convert the selected geometry to zone object

Select the geometry firstly, and then this tool can help you get the related zone node
Logic and Decision

Create a decision node for the active agent type, for detail, please check out the logic part of this manual

The inner logic part

Change the current selected decision to Global Mode

Activate/Deactivate of this sentence

The priority of this sentence, bigger value has higher priority

The operate before this sentence

Determine whether invert the logic result

The Identity of this sentence assigned by the system

Input sentence

Whether infinity for the fuzzy range in, e.g. "< 10" means negative infinity to 10

The minimum/start value of range in which the result will be true

Whether infinity for the fuzzy range out, e.g. "> 10" means 10 to positive infinity

The maximum/end value of range in which the result will be true

Blur the start of true range, not available when negative infinity

Blur the end of true range, not available when positive infinity

Chose the input type between max or average

Take the result which makes this sentence fully activated

Take all the results and calculate out the average, then calculate the activation of this sentence

Some presets for the user, one can add new preset in McdSentencePresetListGUI.py

Change the order between 2 sentences up and down, move current sentence up

Delete current sentence

The result of inner logic

Activate/deactivate output channel

The output decision

The output value if full activated

Some presets for the user, one can add new preset in McdDecisionPresetListGUI.py

Change the current selected decision to Normal Mode

Play this action when there is no other action activated.

Activate/Deactivate the default output channel

The output channel

System will use this value when the channel are not been activated

The output value change type, absolute value or change rate

The output defuzz type average/blend/max

Some presets for the user, one can add new preset in McdDecisionPresetListGUI.py

Create the preset logic decision nodes for current active agent type

Mark cloth for selected geometry and attach the selected points to the bone shape of original agent (firstly select the cloth points, then the bone box shape)

Unmark the cloth for the selected geometry

Create PhysX force field

Create PhysX kinematic Primitives

Create a PhysX debug node which can display all the contents of PhysX scene.
Debug Tools

Create a PhysX debug node which can display all the contents of PhysX scene.

Match the original agent to the selected agent, this feature is used to integrate your baking or rendering pipeline

Put the original agent back to origin and default pose
Re-Link Miarmy
Reconnect your Miarmy if you install a new version in the other place
Un-Link Miarmy
Disconnect Miarmy from this Maya
3Delight Setup

Check is your 3delight been installed correctly, check are your 3delight paths been setup correctly, check are your 3delight shaders been compiled ok, etc. If there is anything incorrect, the finished dialog will report them

Find the source code of shader in Miarmy installation place and compile using your installed 3delight program, then put the result shaders into 3delight shader path

Remove the 3delight.dll from your Maya bin folder. Because system will copy a 3delight.dll to your Maya bin folder when installing, this 3delight will proxy/take over the 3delight of yourself if you already using your own 3delight. Delete the 3delight Miarmy provided here.