Bound is a kind of perception contents, which can be cubic and spherical shapes in this version of Miarmy and you can key frame it for triggering some event easily, such as triggering a group of agent start to run. (Bound can be any shapes in next version)

You can create bound in Miarmy > Perception Contents > Create Bound, or by shelf button . And each bound has 2 bound related attributes

Bound sentences let agents are able to feel bound and test whether in or out side of bound. It's the simplest sentence but very useful.

(left) Bound attributes (right) Spherical and cubic bound

The I'm in bound sentence will return true when the agent inside of it while false when the agent outside of it.

Suppose there are 3 bounds in scene and 5 agents located in different places, so the inputs result will be:


Bound sentences example