We can blend an action on top of playing action to modify its behavior, and the blend can set the weight and timing

Add Blend Actions in Transition Map

In action list, select the action walk, and add blends and blend group.

Blend actions should be the same length as the main action. For example, the length of walkHappy and walkSad should be the same length as the walk action

select walkA and add 2 blends to it

Result in transition map, blend action will be in same line of main action

Action to Action Blending

If the playing action has blend actions and we active it in decision node, the blend action will be blended in automatically.

The blend weight weight can be from 0 to 1, and its value depends on logic active value 

The closer the the spot, the more walkHappy action will blend

Action Blending Group

We can trigger different blends at the same time if the agents playing different actions.

To add a blend to to an action shell, we just need to add them in Action Blend window area

Below we add blend actions to both walkA and runA, and group the blend actions into group "a"

set 2 blend actions into one blend group "a"

blend group is a suffix behind the blend actions


blend to blends group:?? intensity 1

blend to one of the the actions in group 

Visual Feedback

Once our agents blend into one or more actions, its blend info will be displayed when select it.

action blend info display