In previously session, we talked about pin dynamics. However, it is only able to make agent pin to some limited and fixed space.

With Contact and Pin Dynamics, we can make agents pin to any objects and also agents they can pin and link between each other.

Pin Result: agents pin to each other and the left-most agent pin to a green box, the green box is animated.



We just need use collide checking channel in input and make agent collide some dynamic entity.

And then use output channel pin some bones to collided object. We need understand the under the hood.

1.    Because we need some bones pin to dynamics object, we need mark those bone feel collide

mark "collide feel" flag for checking bone.


2.    We need specify "collideAt" channels for record contact entity, and this channel can recored the collided object to memory! that is very important, please only use "collideAt", For example, we specify head and hand cllide, once these bone collide any other dynamics object, the agent will recored the collide pair. Later it can be used for holding.

tell engine which bone need check collide and record collide entity


3.    Then, we need fill the output decision channel. (1) Active dyanmics, and (2) Pin some bones. The pin target will be the result of step 2 which recorded inside agent memory.


4.    And the rest of thing will be automatically. When the bone you sepcifiec collide any dynamical object, it will enable dynamics and pin to that contact object.

For example in this sample, it will collide to kinematic object and hold at 

head contact and hold on kinematic primitive