Highlight New Features

Clone Agnets Instance Clone

We introduced the Clone feature from Miarmy 5.5. Clone is an intelligence instance. It not only the instance, but also it supports logic simulations. Clone allows users build a large number of simple crowds with intuitive method. Especially in stadium, square or terrain, we can fast deploy huge number of actors for displaying, simulation and rendering.

For dealing with 200K agents in scene, we can get 20X faster in simulation and 100X faster for rendering (currently supports Arnold & V-Ray)

Direct Logic Upgrade

In the new version of Miarmy, we finished the Direct Logic Engine. With the new engine, we can skip most of the logic setup, and directly build many logic with simple setup. For example if you want to your actors walk along the road, just tell them “follow the road”. Also, auto avoid and auto fight logic added into the engine.

We re-record 35 new video tutorials (Learning Road Map), all videos utilized the Direct Logic. In 90% crowd scene, we can finish the task with this new engine.

Faster Viewport Display & Placement

Redshift Supports

Minor New Features


Bug Fixes


Instance Clone Agent & Direct Logic features will be forged together in upcoming Miarmy 6 (July), then, we're able to simulate logic, behaviors and physics with big number of clone army.