
By default, when action drive agent, agent are assigned by joints tree hierarchy, and when we add or delete weapon or props (joints) on rig, we’re difficult to re-use the action node for the new type of agent, even they’re really similar hierarchy. It’s time-waste for re-creating another group of action nodes for the new agent type.

Now we can  turn on the name based action assignment to try to resolve this. This will be a huge time-saver if you build another type of agent which only has some props or bone structure differences.


If you have a new different type of agent but only has some little differences compare with older one. We’ only need to create one group of action node for one type of them. And then copy this group of action nodes to other types.

The agents placed from others types can use the shared actions, when “Match Name” mode enable.

create action

Multiple agent types

enable the match name