Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Catalog Create LOD


Catalog file can control the LOD (Level of Detail) geometries selection when rendering.


After computing, all default LOD info are "ORG"

Init LOD indicators

We can setup LOD for agents by Level of Details Setup Step 

LOD Geometries Setup

We can first calculate the LOD for agents in current scene with below tool: Compute LOD on This Frame and Compute LOD over All Frames

LOD computing Options

Compute LOD on this Frame: (Only for current frame) calculate the distance from each agent to renderable camera and then mark LOD level for agents

Compute LOD over All Frames: calculate the distance from each agent to renderable camera and then mark LOD level for agents for each frames, if agents both in area of Far or Near, it will count that agent Near one.

If we setup correctly on the group LODMid_*** and LODFar*** the agent's LOD info will be updated:

We need to setup the catalog file exporting path for current Maya scene (in Render Global)

This info can be write into LOD by clicking menu: Write Catalog LOD from Agents

Then, after exporting, enable the LOD option in Render Global (keep enabling)

De-place your agents and place it again, the LOD info will be there immediately without recomputing, because our agents will read the LOD info and update itself from catalog file.

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