Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Physical Joint Limits

General Introduction

Each of human body bone has its own rotation limit, such as elbow and calf, they can only rotate in 1 DOF(degree of freedom). So we need to setup the physical joint accroding to the real situation.

Attribute Meaning

And the same attribute name maybe have different meanning if the different joint type. The swing attribute cannot be the negtive value.

Joint types and limit attributes


Ball Joint

Ball joint can swing in 2 DOF and twist (sum 3 DOF)

Ball joint example

Ball joint swing and twist limit

Once select the physical joint, it will become to a visible manipulator

 Left non-selected, Right Selected

The ball joint setup (Blue: swing down, red: swing up, yellow and purple: twist in counter/clockwise)

 (From left to right) Small range of rotate, middle range or rotate, wide range of rotate

Shoulder joint

Shoulder joint can swing only (2 DOF), cannot twist 

Shoulder joint limit, swing up and down limit

Hinge joint

Hinge joint can rotate around 1 axis (1 DOF)

 Hinge example

 Hinge joint rotation limit (the right one: can be rotate back easy but cannot rotate to forward)

Basefount Technology