Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Agent Exclusion Feature

Sphere range sentences and frustum range sentences has agent exclusion feature among sentences calculate, this feature can make sure the channel get more precise and natural results.

Additionally, this feature is automatically enabled, and user cannot disable it.

Usually we need use not only one type of sentence for interactive the others agents.

For example, sometimes we need test is there someone in my left and near. (So that we can turn right and slow down)

As far as we know, we can use someone in my sphere with angle sentence to test is there someone in my left, and use someone in my sphere with distance sentence to test is there someone nearby, then naturally use "AND" operator to get the intersection agents.

Just like this:

Someone in my left and near

At this time, the agent exclusion feature will be automatically enabled. Please take look at the pictures below, the agents are gradually excluded by the filter and never join the calculation again for the other sentences in the same decision node, and we will finally get the accurate agent meet condition.

From left to right, the exclusion filters respectively are "sphere range", "angle" and "distance"

Suppose that we didn't have Agent Exclusion Feature and take a look at the following example, the node will get the wrong result (wrong node active)!! Please notice the following second picture, green dot mean there is an agent make someone in my sphere with angle sentence test active 1.0 and notice the third picture, green dots mean there are 2 agents make someone in my sphere with distance sentence active 1.0. Finally, sentence A and B will both active 1.0, the A "&&" B logic expression makes this node active 1.0. The system would mistake there is someone in my left and near. But unfortunately, in fact, there is no agent in the GREEN Zone in third picture! That is means that, actually there is no agent in my left and near. So, without agent exclusion feature, the channel would not accurate.

Situation without agent exclusion feature

The frustum sentences also have agent exclusion feature enable. Therefore, between each sphere and frustum, we only need "&&" ("and" operator).

And also we need avoid sphere and frustum sentences are filled in the same decision node, because the sphere and frustum sentences have independent exclusive agent engine.








Basefount Technology