Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Maya Attribute (Pre Defined)

Video 092 and Video 093 (Go to Video Tutorials)



Maya Pre Defined Attribute is a static value attribute can be assigned to the agent at the beginning of the simulation. And when it was assigned, it cannot be changed by regular logic sentences.

Notice: please distinguish it with the Maya Simulation Defined Attribute (Maya Attribute (Simulation))


The Maya Pre Defined Attribute can be used for a lot of noise seeds, and use it randomize the behavior of the agents. For example, different values can determine different decisions, some of them choose playback action A, and some of them choose perform action B or C.


Pre Define Attribute for Agent

For assigning the attribute to the agents, there are 2 methods, by agent types or by attribute host.


Assign Maya Attribute by Agent Type

We can use Miarmy > Knowledge Perception > Maya Attribute > Attribute Manager… and select the Agent Group node you want to operate, and then add or edit the maya attribute for this type of agent.

Like the following picture, we add "aaa" and "bbb" attribute to the Agent Type "loco" by Attribute Manager

Add 2 maya attribute to the agent type "loco"

After assigning, at the beginning of simulation, based on the example above, all the agents which type is "loco" will contain 2 maya attribute, the names are "aaa" and "bbb" and the value of "aaa" is a random number between 0 and 10 and the value of "bbb" is random number between -5 and 5.

Assign Maya Attribute by Attribute Host Managers

We can add some attributes onto the Attribute Host. And then, with that host node:

  • We can assign the maya attribute to a lot of different type of agents altogether
  • Also we can assign the maya attribute by place node (no matter what type of them)


Agent Attribute Host Manager

For creating an Attribute Host, we just need use Miarmy > Knowledge Perception > Maya Attribute > Create Attribute Host, and then we still need to use Attribute Manager to add/edit the attribute on the host node.

Create host node and add 2 attributes onto it

For assigning the attribute to the agent, we need link it to agent group node or place node. We need to the Attribute Connection Editor which at Miarmy > Knowledge Perception > Maya Attribute > Attribute Host Linker.

As the below image shown, the left if the attribute host we need select and then edit this link in the Attribute Host Linker. The right-hand side window is the Connection Editor. There are 2 tables, the right one contains the all the agent types and the place nodes inside your open scene, we can select some of them and click the "<<< Add Link(s)" to the left side. The left side shows the place node or agent type node which already connected to the Host node.

Connect host node to agent group or place node

After setting up, based on the above example, when simulation begin the agent type "snake" and also all the agents from "McdPlace1Shape" will contain the attributes "ccc" and "ddd" and the values are "ccc" between 0 and 10, and "ddd" between -12 and 12.






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