Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Attribute Proxy


Attribute proxy node can change agent attribute value when simulate, and replace(proxy) the value for

  • Some specific agent type
  • Agents from specific place node
  • Agents ID in some specific range

Please notice that the regular output sentences CANNOT change the agent maya (pre defined) attribute value.


Attribute Proxy Node

The first thing is create a attribute proxy node, this node contains 3 contents

  • The proxy attribute names & values
  • The agent type need to proxy
  • Which place node's agents need to proxy

With the proxy node and its information, our attribute proxy can work.

For creating this type of node, we need click Miarmy > Knowledge Perception > Maya Attribute > Create Attribute Proxy Node

After creating we need link it to specific target and then add/edit the proxy attribute name and values.


Add/Edit Attribute in Proxy Node

The attribute operation need be done in the Attribute Connection Editor, it located at Miarmy > Perception Knowledge > Maya Attribute > Attribute Proxy Linker

 We firstly need add the attribute name at the left column, in below sample. We added an "aaa" attribute, just by click the Add button and specify a name. Also you can delete the "aaa" attribute by select it and click "delete"

And then we need link this proxy node to "McdPlace1Shape" node and the Agent type "snake". For doing this, we just need select the contents in the right column and click the "<<< Add Link(s)" button, then the linked contents are in the middle column.

(Left) attribute names, (middle) link to target, (right) agent type or place node name

After setting up this, the agents which type is "snake" or the agents which placed from "McdPlace1Shape", these agents' attribute "aaa" will be proxy, and the value can be setup in the channel box

The attribute aaa's proxy value is 8

Proxy Attribute by Agent ID

Also you can specify an agent ID range for this proxy node, that is means you can proxy the attribute without the link and just use the ID of agents.

Use this Miarmy > Knowledge Perception > Maya Attribute > Attribute Proxy Manager 

Agent proxy by global ID and Place ID

We still need add an attribute name in the Attribute Proxy Linker and edit its value in the channel box before we use this tool.

Then we just need specify the agent ID range and the place ID.

Select the place node and open "show digit", can make the placement node show each one digital number on it

Show digit on the place node

Also, select any one of the agent, you may notice that there are 2 IDs been displayed under the agent, the agent ID current place and the agent ID in global space.

This information can help you decide what number should be specified in the Attribute Proxy Manger.

Id in place node and in global

In the below image, we specified 2 rules there:

  1. The agents which from place node 1 and the ID in place is from 11 to 12(include 12) will be proxy
  2. The agents which from place node 2 and the ID in place is from 5 to 6(include 6) will be proxy

Attribute proxy

Sentences for Getting Value of Attribute

pre-defined maya attribute:?? value

input sentence return the value of attribute which name is <??>. such as pre-defined maya attribute:aaa value > 15






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