Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Sphere Output Sentences

Detection Sphere (read more about sphere) not only has the input sentences, there're also two sentences output, we can use them to change the sphere attributes:


  • set my sphere color ??
  • set my sphere radius ??

By default the color and radius of sphere are the values from McdAgentGroup node. However, you can use the sphere output sentences to modify them explicitly. 

(Left) the McdAgentGroup node; (right) The default sound Frequency and range on node

Note: if the sphere radius is 0, the sphere will use the value calculated from bounding box of original agent as the radius, see Part 4 Agent Infrastructure – Original Agent

  • The sentence set my sphere color ?? in output can modify the sphere color of current agent
  • The sentence set my sphere radius ?? in output can modify the sphere radius of current agent







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