Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Miarmy Production Files

Simulation Files

Definitions & Usage

We simulate the agents in the file

  1. Create a new Miarmy Contents by click Miarmy > Miarmy Ready!
  2. Reference (do not import) OA files into this file
  3. Arrange placement
  4. Arrange perceptions
  5. Run simulation

Suggested Naming Convention:

  • <shots info>crowds<version>.ma
  • Example: Shot101_005_crowds_01.ma
  • Example: EP104_SC003_Shot014_crowds_03.ma

Miarmy Render Files

Definition & Usage

  1. Usually simulate and create cache for the scene to "agent cache"
  2. Render it by any renderers

Suggested Naming Conventions:

  • <shots info>crowdsRender<version>.ma
  • Example: Shot101_005_ crowdsRender _01.ma
  • Example: EP104_SC003_ crowdsRender _crowds_03.ma

Basefount Technology