Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Action Speed Rate


If there are multiple agents play the same actions, not only we want to randomize their action phase, but also the playing speed.

To do this, we can use the action editor and logic approaches.


Change Action Rate by Action Editor

Each action has its own default action playback speed rate, which default value is 1.0 and it locates in action editor. 

This default action rate means that it will play according to this default rate when there is no other action rate logic trigger.

And you can manually setup the default action speed rate as wish. Set value more than 1.0 to increase the playback speed, value betwen 0 to 1 means slow down playback, it's a multiplier.

The default rate is the rate in action editor

Change Action Rate by Logic

We can modify the speed of action been playing on the agent by some logic sentences.

action playback > random all actions playback speed (??,??) can ranomize all agents actions playing rate 

Modify the action by rate

random speed of walk

You can also operate the rate on a specific action. (For example increase the rate when the agent is walking down and decrease the rate when the agent is climbing)

Use sentence:

action playback > change action:?? playback speed ??

Extra Action Rate Logic

action playback > change all actions playback speed ?? increase/decrease the speed of any action been playing on all agents.

action playback > change actions in group:?? playback speed ?? increase/decrease the speed of action from an action group been playing on all agents. Know more abouot action group, please refer next section.

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