Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Story Node Action List


Sometimes we want to achieve more precise control agent actions easily or arrangement a set of actions played by plan, for examples:

Action Precise control

Example: an army square need precisely controlled. Walk 7 steps forward, hold and turn left, and go ahead 5 steps etc... This sequence of actions are not easily controlled by others logic

Actions Combination and Freely Change

Example: When dancing or exercising, there are lots of separated actions need to be combined together, similar like example 1.

We introduce Story List, it's a node with a list contains many actions and it can be triggered by logic sentence then play this list of actions sequentially.

There can be many story list nodes for each type of agent, and each one contains a list of actions, when triggered (higher priority than regular action logic), the agent will playback the action one by one inside, and ignore the transition map.


To create story list, click Miarmy > Actions > Create Story List. We can create one ore more story list as we needed.

And open story list editor to edit the story details, please select the story node first and click Miarmy > Actions > Story List Editor or 

In story list editor, please first take a look at All Actions and (ID) Story Main column.

We can select the action name from All Actions column and click Add→  to insert action into story list. 

The Story Main column lists all action really in this story node.

Story list of agent type

We can use the logic sentence to activate it anytime, like the other sentences, story list have the active value and we always choose the greatest value to perform story list.

Story list in decision node, in bound[1], trigger story list: sto1

The story list can be set interruptible or not.

If we turn off interruptible, once the agents enter this story list, it will play every action inside and not go out until finish all and ignore any other logic.

Default is non-interruptible

Note: the proxy list is higher priority than story list

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