Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Force Field General Rules


Force Composition

No matter currently we are talking about Maya Field, or further we are going to introduce Maya Fluid, and build-in force field, all of them drive agents by Force Composition. For example there are several Maya fields in scene, and our agents can feel the composition force result of them.

Speed Threshold

And, no matter Maya fluid, field, build-in force field, they will apply force to the RBD object only when the speed of this RBD slower than the speed threshold. Another words, once the RBD object exceed the speed threshold, our system will not apply force onto it any more.

Speed threshold value in Physics Global

Force Multipliers

Sometimes, maybe your Maya field not only driving Miarmy Agents, but also controlling the particles. At this time, change the magnitude of Maya field will effect both on agents and particles. However, maybe the particle result is OK you don't need change it. At this time we provide the Field Multiplier for exclusively change the result on the agents. If the magnitude of a field is 100, and the field force multiplier is 6, the force applied to the agents will be 100 * 6 = 600 from this field.

Field Multiplier in Physical Global

Basefount Technology