Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Agent Bone Particle Emitter (Action Phase based)

Agent bone can emit Maya particle since Miarmy 1.5.
Sometimes our agents will emit some bullets, lasers or magic ball when they performing some specific action. We provide this tool can emit particle to scene, we call this agent particle emitters.
You need first create an empty particle shape for hold the particle

Empty particle shape without any particle
We can mark this particle associate the action name, bone name and frame range, we can do that assignment in Miarmy > Particle Emit Manager

Agent particles emitter manager
Select particle node and click "Mark Emitter"

The emit part

The particle emitting attributes
Emit particles from "head" to particle shape when agents playing "walk" and action frame is "5 to 8",

Emit particles result
We can also emit particles from particle, and create weapon like stuffs.

The head emit particleA, and the particleA emit particleB
And user can do any job on that particle also, for example add PP attributes, or anything VFX artiests familiar.

Also can be adjusted by any attributes

Basefount Technology