Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Redshift Plugin Setup


To render with Redshift procedural, first we need to setup redshift render plugin.

This plugin responsible for generating geometries when render the Miarmy agents.


Step 1

Make sure the render plugin can be found at: <Miarmy Intallation Place>\Basefount\Miarmy\bin

Name: RSProceduralTest_redshift.dll

There are several different versions, please make sure we can find the version we need.

For example Maya 2018, redshift 2.6 should be located: <Miarmy Place>\Basefount\Miarmy\bin\redshift\v2.6\Maya2018

Step 2

Create a file RSPlugin.txt in Maya module path

For example: ...\Autodesk\Maya2018\modules

Step 3

Copy and past below 3 lines of data into RSPlugin.txt, and change the contents to your version, for example:

+ RSProceduralTest 1.0 C:\Program Files\Basefount\Miarmy\bin\redshift\v2.6



Basefount Technology