Image Courtesy Jade Dynasty VHQ (Beijing) VFX studio

Highlight New Features

USD (Universal Scene Description) Support

USD is getting more and more popular in recent production across DCC and look dev software. Miarmy 7.5 supports procedural skeletal mesh and instancing USD exporter which is able to export USD files directly from agents fast. Then you can import the USD to Clarisse iFX, Katana, Houdini Solaris or UE4 etc to render it without setup other render procedurals.

(USD Export )

Arnold Fur Procedual Plugin (Yeti and XGen Support)

In the new version, we added a set of new tools which allow us to automatically transfer the XGen and Yeti fur onto the agent geometries and procedurally render fur on each agents.

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Action based Cloth, Facial & Deformable Objects Pipeline Tools

We introduced a new tool which can bake the geometries deformation data along with each action from the animated rig and apply the deformation to each agent for different actions in render time.

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FBX and Unreal Engine Exporter

Now we can fast export the simulation result into the Unreal Engine.

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Unity Plugin for Crowd Importing

As same as the Unreal Engine, we can also export and import simulation result into Unity Game Engine. A new unity plugin has been introduced too to apply simulation result into Unity.

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Arnold Facets Shaders Supports

The geometries which assigned facial shaders are supported in Arnold Render now and this allows us to render combined geometries with multiple shaders.

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Automatic Clone Render Optimizations

Now we can automatically render most parts of agents as clone to accelerate the render speed.

Cloth Simulation Optimized

The cloth has been refactoried and now the simulation has been optimized especially the reset speed with large scene. Now we can feel more comfortable to simulate thousands of clothes in large scene.