Sub Root of Geometry Random Group

What is Geometry Random Root

  1. The nodes which name look like "Geometry_<XXX>" are the Geometry Roots of randomization.
  2. Each Geometry Random Root support only 1st level of Must Render and 2nd level of randomization
  3. For more deep randomize, it not support in single Geometry Random Root

Why we need Sub Root of Geometry Random Root

Sometimes we have several different types of agent such as man and woman, or 9 types of horse rider, and they can share very similar/same actions. At this time we want our different type of geometries can be randomized separately without mixing geometry sets.

Then, one Geometry Random Root is not enough for do this. Therefore we introduced a Sub Root of Geometry Random Group

How it work

  1. We need to create group node which name must contain keyword ("McdSubRoot")
  2. We need to put this node into the 2nd level of upper Root Geometry Random Group
  3. And the geometry selection rules in sub root, will be the same as first geometry random group (Simple Geometry Randomization). We just need treat the Sub Root as another "Geometry_XXX" group.


Here we're listing an example of how to put 2 types of agents together (man and woman) and randomize geometry each other without mixing.