Setup Random Actions in Transition Map

Action group can randomize agents actions and it need to be setup in transition map. We've already brief introduced the transition map in previous chapter Introducing Transition Map

Please first active your agent type using Agent Manager, refer Agent Type Group and Agent Manager

First, we need to build the action group in transition map and insert all actions into a group.

In blank area of transition map and right click the mouse button, hit add to create a state, name it as walk

Please notice this walk it not action name, it's the state name which can host a group of actions

Add State

Double Click The State

Add actions into the state

Select all actions and create an action group

You can see the transition map has been updated like this:

Randomize select one action from action group (cheer)

Actions Random by Logic

Once we setup action group correctly, we can trigger actions by action group name with logic sentence

Then, the engine will randomly select one of the actions from the action group and set it as the trigger action to agent.

For example in below image, engine will select one action (random one of walkA, walkB, walkC, walkD) from action group walk, and apply it to the agent randomly.

Action Group Sentences

We have 2 different random modes

We can also change the playback speed rate for the actions in group