Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Gravity VS Mass

You may encounter these situations:

  • The object from high place falling slow
  • Explosive effect not much

If the agent from high place falls to ground slowly, it means the gravity not enough. At this time you need increase the gravity. On the other hand, if you increase the mass of agent body, there will be no any change. You can just recall the famous story about Galileo's 2 balls.

Increase the gravity

If the force field like explosive force effect agent not much, mean the object is too heavy. At this time, you need crank down the density for decreasing the mass of the agent bones. Mass = volume * density, the volume is the bone shape itself.

Decrease the mass




Automatic IK

Galileo, he is probably best known for a story in which he dropped two different size balls from the Leaning Tower of Pisa at the same time, and the two balls hit the ground at almost the same time

(Left) Leaning Tower of Pisa, (right) Galileo

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