Miarmy Crowd Simulation Documentation (English)

Redshift Frame Test and Motion Blur


We're going to introduce how the test render a single frame with redshift procedrual here.

And then we'll introduce how to setup motion blur for single frame.


Step 1

We need to do the pre check before rendering.

Step 2

Setup render contents exporting path by Render Global 

This indicates where the procedural render contents put and when exporting.

Render Contents Exporting Path

Step 3

Place all agents, make Agent Cache, then we can interactively drag back and forth the timeline.

Go to frame you want to render.

Click Miarmy > RENDER > Redshift > Setup Current Frame You will see a progress bar indicate the progress of exporting.

After exporting, there will be an yellow box appear in the center of the scene, that is the redshift render proxy. (It will be automatically created)

Yellow box in center is the render proxy

Step 4

Click render, if everything setup correctly, you will see the rendered image in render viewport.

Step 5

If we need to render the motion blur, it need to enable the motion blur in Render Settings first.

And redo the Step 3 - 4. 

Export render contents, render it, and you'll see the motion blure enabled.

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